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New diocese created in North India: CEN 3.05.10 p 8. March 15, 2010

Posted by geoconger in Church of England Newspaper, Church of North India.

The General Synod of the Church of North India has approved the creation of the Diocese of Chhattisgarh. The new diocese’s boundaries will follow the political borders of the state of Chhattisgarh in central India and will be carved out of the southeast Chhattisgarhi-speaking portion of the Diocese of Jabalpur.

The growth of the church in central India coupled with the demands of a geographically large diocese overseen by the Bishop of Jabalpur, Dr. P.C. Singh, and a petition from church leaders in the prospective diocese prompted the creation of the new diocese, a member of synod told The Church of England Newspaper.

Last month the General Synod Executive Committee appointed the Bishop of Cuttack, the Rt. Rev. Samson Dass to serve as commissary for the diocese pending the appointment of a bishop in April. On Feb 1 Bishop Dass opened the diocesan offices at St. Matthew’s Church in Raipur and met with lay and clergy leaders to begin the work of building the new diocese.

The Diocese of Chhattisgarh will be the Church of North India’s 27 diocese.


1. A silent observer - January 23, 2011

The feud/dispute between the Diocese of Jabalpur and Chhatisgarh has become on road on the control of Burgess Memorial School, Bilaspur. Daily Police complaints are being registered at Civil Lines Police Station. The Synod is the silent spectator. What has happend to this community. What the General Secratery of CNI is doing?

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